in-car navigation device

TomTom Bridge


Interaction design
User research
Workshop facilitation


UX Designer
Sep 2014 - Feb 2017
abstract project cover
abstract project cover

Impact on the project

  • Brought explorative UX research into the product team, helping the team gain empathy toward end users.

  • Contributed to multiple product releases.

  • Prepare fundamental designs for the next-gen TomTom Bridge.

The Context

TomTom Bridge is the total trucker navigation solution and it's tailored for the B2B market so the customer can purchase and further customise and develop their application on top of it.

The Goal

Continuously develop user-friendly functions catering to large-vehicle driving contexts.

project visual 4
project visual 4
project visual 4

The Process

While embedding in the product team, I ran explorative user research to gain first-hand user insights and later help the product team empathise with target users. The discovered insights also prepared for the next generation of the product.

project visual 4
project visual 4
project visual 4

The Result

I was in charge of designing and delivering the interaction design of product features with the help of a design lead and a visual designer. I have designed and shipped features like: "software update mechanism", "external camera app", "driving lockscreen" and many more.

project visual 1
project visual 1
project visual 1
project visual 2
project visual 2
project visual 2
project visual 3
project visual 3
project visual 3

What you just see is the surface but…

If you are interested in knowing more, including the total redesign of TomTom Bridge, contact me to schedule a deep dive into the case study.


To comply with my non-disclosure agreement, I have omitted confidential information in this case study. All information is my own and does not necessarily reflect the views of the employers.

Need help with designing navigation experience? Let's grab a coffee ☕️ !
Need help with designing navigation experience? Let's grab a coffee ☕️ !
Need help with designing navigation experience? Let's grab a coffee ☕️ !
© 2024 Luke Chen Portfolio.

Built by Luke Chen

© 2024 Luke Chen Portfolio.

Built by Luke Chen

© 2024 Luke Chen Portfolio.

Built by Luke Chen