desktop native App

Ultimaker Cura


User research
Interaction design
Workshop facilitation
Design sprint
Stakeholder Management

core Team

Lead UX Designer
Mar 2017 - Oct 2018
abstract project cover
abstract project cover

Impact on the project

  • Expand the design team to 4 UX Designer and 1 Visual Designer.

  • Enhanced design practice by introducing lean UX, explorative research activities, and evaluative research methods.

  • Established the design foundation of Cura v4.0.

The Context

Ultimaker Cura is a desktop native software that translates a 3d model into a file format that can be understood by the 3d printer. Using Ultimaker Cura is the critical step in the whole 3d printing workflow.

The Problem

Cura provides advanced features for 3D printing experts, but regular users often find it challenging to use. With the rising adoption of 3D printing by companies, UltiMaker aims to make Cura more novice-friendly to meet the growing demand from non-expert users.
project visual 1
project visual 1
project visual 1

The Goal

We aims to design new Cura that offers the best user experience for novice users and expert users.

The Process

The redesign process spanned over a year, involving explorative user research, prototype testing with end users, and feature prioritisation with product teams. Particularly, I held design sprint workshops to align expectation on 3d printing setting interaction, which is critical to the whole workflow.

Given the significance of the project, I took the dual-track approach: assisting the product team in feature delivery while preparing groundwork for the new release.

Besides, the UX team and I rigorously managed stakeholders to constantly check expectations and iron out issues as early as possible.

The Result

Partnering with 1 visual designer and 1 UX designer, we were able to come up with the redesigns from visual, layout to interaction pattern.

Before the design - v3.0

project visual 1
project visual 1
project visual 1

New design - v4.0

project visual 1
project visual 1
project visual 1
project visual 1
project visual 1
project visual 1
project visual 2
project visual 2
project visual 2
project visual 3
project visual 3
project visual 3

What you just see is the surface but…

If you are interested in knowing more, contact me to schedule a deep dive into the case study.


To comply with my non-disclosure agreement, I have omitted confidential information in this case study. All information is my own and does not necessarily reflect the views of the employers.

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Need helps for connected products? Let's grab a coffee ☕️ !
Need helps for connected products? Let's grab a coffee ☕️ !
© 2024 Luke Chen Portfolio.

Built by Luke Chen

© 2024 Luke Chen Portfolio.

Built by Luke Chen

© 2024 Luke Chen Portfolio.

Built by Luke Chen